Tuesday 13 November 2012

The Good Side of Cahuita- Day 11

Two-toed Sloth
We knew we only had a few days in Cahuita so we tried to make the most out of it and went to see the Cahuita Park. This was one of my favorite parks in Costa Rica the last time I came because it was a combination of white beaches, reef and forest where you can see a lot of different species.

The park did have two species of sloths, a yellow headed gecko and a tricoloured heron.

But our goal in the hour we were walking around was an eyelash viper. When looking for things like this one of the best ways to find anything is to be friendly. Talking to other people along the path we eventually came across a woman who had seen one. The park was closing soon so we rushed to see it and finally found two neonate eyelash vipers before the warden started his rounds to clear the park.
Neonate Eyelash Viper (Bothriechis schlegelii)

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